The Ancient Order of Hibernians
Unite to:
- Foster the Order & the Irish race with Friendship, Loyalty, Unity, & Christian Charity
- Learn, enjoy, & spread true history, culture & traditions of the Irish Race
- Create a peaceful, united, and independent Ireland
While recognizing that all people of Irish blood are part of our illustrious race, regardless of creed or religion,
the Brothers of the Order are sworn to uphold the ideals and duties of our ancient, Catholic warrior past, keeping the
Faith alive as practical Irish Catholics; serving our Order, our Catholic Faith, our Parishes, and our Priests in any
capacity available to us.
Irish Catholic men, join us! Continue over 400 years of service to our Church & to Ireland
Irish History
The Irish people have done much to advance culture around the world throughout the ages. This is especially true in the United States
and here in the South. The State of South Carolina has a wealth of history that is directly attributable to the Irish people.
“I am no renegade to Ireland; but I am now an American…Where upon your approach to the polls, any person address you as an
Irishman, or Frenchman, or an Italian, or by any appellation but Carolinian or American, his language is distraint and offensive. He
is either ignorant, or supposes you to be so, or has some sinister view.
There is a bribery of the affections. There is a bribery in reminding you of the bravery and the patriotism and the generosity of the
Irish. And all this is the more insulting as the object of the adulation, or the familiarity, is too plain to be mistaken. I warn you
of your solemn serious obligation, that in giving your vote, you recollect that you are an American! A Carolinian!”
Bishop John England
First Bishop of Charleston
When is the last time you heard anyone use the English language as beautifully as this? Or reminded you of the importance of your vote?